Monday, May 28, 2007


I wanted to take up some space for highlighting one of the things that I have learnt in the past few weeks and months.
Responsibility - I heard this funda which was, you need to be responsible . You cant control what comes to you but you can indeed control what you give others . So always , think twice before you talk so that you dont hurt other people. Well , I have been trying my best not to be sarcastic at times or hurt people and I can see some improvement in myself.

But at times, its very difficult to stop saying what you have to say coz the other person is hell bent on getting onto your nerves. There is another funda which talks about going ahead and speaking out whatever you feel like speaking out irrespective of whether you hurt the other person or not . Atleast it will relieve you of what you have to say.

This is a pretty interesting thought and I think either the first case or second case depends on who you are talking to . Some people take advantage of the fact that you are silent and go ahead and take advantage of that whereas some people prefer being open irrespective of the complexity or simplicity of the situation.

So finally, the learning is that people handling skills are important not only to get high customer at work but also in order to have a good level of relationship with that person.


le_commentator said...

quite shallow observations. all you're saying is that the objective determines how you communicate. PUH-LEEEZE...

Unknown said...

if you always keep in mind that your "communciation style or even the content" pleases everyone... you're fooling nobody but yourself...
what matters the most is how firmly you believe in your thoughts... it's not the content or the style that gets communicated it's the clarity behind that which gets communicated and internalised by the audience...
and with that clarity in place, you will lift the onus of any relationship from yourself... and then you shall set yourself free from these "earthly emotions"...

Unknown said...

on a different note... it takes great effort to think through such complex emotions... and these get aggravated when one encounters them very closely... am sure as a afterthought these feelings subside to a great extent, although leaving a subliminal effect on your senses!

le_commentator said...

ah, as if clarity could be separated from content and style....and aren't all relationships based on self alone (ergo removal of oneself implies lack of relationship)? but i digress.

the observations may be valid but they're completely useless. trying to generalize on specifics when it comes to human relationships is the height of folly - non-linearity is most apparent there but alas! so-called scientific thinking has permeated this area and made a mess.

aa said...

completely agree with this!!!!absolutely right....i have kinda seen that it is better to speak in a medium cutting way when ur angry, than to keep silent. When the anger blows up, it's such a pain, and a mess!!!